piątek, 1 maja 2020

Invasion of Poland

Z poniższego tekstu opisującego inwazję na Polskę wynika, że głównym celem armii niemieckiej, głównym celem Hitlera była eksterminacja ludności polskiej, w pierwszej kolejności polskich liderów i inteligencji.

Do najbardziej krwawych, brutalnych i barbarzyńskich akcji zostały powołane specjalne jedno zadaniowe jednostki niemieckie. To one zajmowały się mordami popełnianymi na ludności cywilnej, wpierw wyłącznie na polskiej, a po agresji na Rosję sowiecką, ich celem stały się pogromy żydowskie.

Zanim doszło do niemieckiej agresji na Rosję, Żydzi byli w Polsce relatywnie bezpieczni, byli zgromadzeni w gettach większych miastach z łatwym dostępem do kolei i dopóki Hitler współpracował ze Stalinem, Żydzi byli pakowani do pociągów jadących do Rosji i tam eksportowani. To może tłumaczyć dlaczego później nie bali się wsiadać do pociągów jadących do Auschwitz. Oni się po prostu nie spodziewali, że Hitler każe ich zgładzić.


Invasion of Poland

Execution of Poles in Kórnik, 20 October 1939

Polish women led to mass execution in a forest near Palmiry
In response to Adolf Hitler's plan to invade Poland on 1 September 1939, Heydrich re-formed the Einsatzgruppen to travel in the wake of the German armies.[9] Membership at this point was drawn from the SS, the Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service; SD), the police, and the Gestapo.[10][11] Heydrich placed SS-Obergruppenführer Werner Best in command, who assigned Hans-Joachim Tesmer [de] to choose personnel for the task forces and their subgroups, called Einsatzkommandos, from among educated people with military experience and a strong ideological commitment to Nazism.[12] Some had previously been members of paramilitary groups such as the Freikorps.[13]Heydrich instructed Wagner in meetings in late July that the Einsatzgruppen should undertake their operations in cooperation with the Ordnungspolizei (Order Police; Orpo) and military commanders in the area.[14] Army intelligence was in constant contact with Einsatzgruppen to coordinate their activities with other units.[15]
Initially numbering 2,700 men (and ultimately 4,250 in Poland),[13][16] the Einsatzgruppen's mission was to kill members of the Polish leadership most clearly identified with Polish national identity: the intelligentsia, members of the clergy, teachers, and members of the nobility.[10][17] As stated by Hitler: "... there must be no Polish leaders; where Polish leaders exist they must be killed, however harsh that sounds".[18] SS-Brigadeführer Lothar Beutel, commander of Einsatzgruppe IV, later testified that Heydrich gave the order for these killings at a series of meetings in mid-August.[19] The Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen — lists of people to be killed — had been drawn up by the SS as early as May 1939, using dossiers collected by the SD from 1936 forward.[10][20] The Einsatzgruppen performed these murders with the support of the Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz, a paramilitary group consisting of ethnic Germans living in Poland.[21] Members of the SS, the Wehrmacht, and the Ordnungspolizei also shot civilians during the Polish campaign.[22]Approximately 65,000 civilians were killed by the end of 1939. In addition to leaders of Polish society, they killed Jews, prostitutes, Romani people, and the mentally ill. Psychiatric patients in Poland were initially killed by shooting, but by spring 1941 gas vans were widely used.[23][24]
Seven Einsatzgruppen of battalion strength (around 500 men) operated in Poland. Each was subdivided into five Einsatzkommandos of company strength (around 100 men).[11]

Members of the Ordnungspolizeishooting naked women and children the Mizocz ghetto
Though they were formally under the command of the army, the Einsatzgruppen received their orders from Heydrich and for the most part acted independently of the army.[26][27] Many senior army officers were only too glad to leave these genocidal actions to the task forces, as the killings violated the rules of warfare as set down in the Geneva Conventions. However, Hitler had decreed that the army would have to tolerate and even offer logistical support to the Einsatzgruppenwhen it was tactically possible to do so. Some army commanders complained about unauthorised shootings, looting, and rapes committed by members of the Einsatzgruppen and the Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz, to little effect.[28] For example, when Generaloberst Johannes Blaskowitz sent a memorandum of complaint to Hitler about the atrocities, Hitler dismissed his concerns as "childish", and Blaskowitz was relieved of his post in May 1940. He continued to serve in the army but never received promotion to field marshal.[29]
The final task of the Einsatzgruppen in Poland was to round up the remaining Jews and concentrate them in ghettos within major cities with good railway connections. The intention was to eventually remove all the Jews from Poland, but at this point their final destination had not yet been determined.[30][31] Together, the Wehrmacht and the Einsatzgruppen also drove tens of thousands of Jews eastward into Soviet-controlled territory.[22]

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